Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chapter 2

I had invented a game for myself of flirting with luck in the name of my angel.When I needed something even as simple as a medium of transport or a kind fellow traveler, I would say to myself “If he loves me, I…”. Rarely if ever, did this charm fail. And I grew to believe in it so strongly and feel blessed in his love so soon that when I walked away, I took this wishing charm with me. And like I have been walking with his love, my charm remains as if his love for me will remain a cornerstone. And ever, shall it somehow fail him, this unquestioning unrequisitioning love of his, my charm shall break that day.

So strong was this belief, that I lived through each day with a sense of calm comfort, a feeling which can only come with absolute feeling of security, that all could be right with the world, that its ugliness could transform into inherent beauty if beheld with care, a little more. I have never been able to adjust to reality. I hold the key to the magical vortex of my imagination build through snippets from fairy tales from Europe, Indian America (For the lack of a better expression to refer to American Indian folklore), Asia and Africa. My grandfather had travelled widely and this led to a well stocked library for us. My parents shared the same love for books and I grew up absorbed in tales from home and beyond. I was awkward amongst people. I tried the required singing and dancing routine but the attempts always left me feeling intensely self conscious and embarrassed unseen beneath layers of false bravado. I would take the key and slip out of the reality into my vortex. As I grew older, the vortex became darker…as if someone had begun to paint the windowpanes black…and instead of slipping into it, I would now have to fall back into it and feel it instead of watch it around me sketch itself into reality.

I was, as indicated earlier not a very healthy child. I would have the oddest of maladies. One of this was a perforated eardrum which gradually healed creating strangely heightened sensitivity to sound, tone and texture of voices. The only way to not listen to even the most whispered conversation was to distract myself deeper into the vortex. I called this ‘being polite’. My assumed alter ego called it ‘cheating’. Vehicular sound was a pain. The sound of the machine became dominant to everything else that would go around. But this helped me to pick up the whispers in the vortex - the stifled elegant laughter of the gentlemen and ladies in masked garden parties, the gentle buzz of the butterflies or the breathing of my angel. I was surprised the first time I heard it. I thought he did not breathe. But breathe he did, very gently as if breathing on glass to draw his name on a monsoon evening. And on this discovery, I began to listen to him. I would hear him move, closing my eyes. I would hear him draw open the curtains to let the soft morning or evening light in. He was a creature of the light, and I of darkness. I burned in the daylight- no amount of sophisticated lotion could prevent or control that. Only twice in a day, could I let myself feel the light and he drew open the curtains then and stood by me as I soaked in the moonlight. I would hear him walk by me, the rustle of his silence. I would hear his words, but more importantly listen deeply to his tone, the texture of his voice. The different textures and tones colouring what his words said, the tilt of the accent, the lilt of the tone, the final cursive and the sub-textual stroke. And then, these colours began to rip me apart.

Each of what I listened remained etched in my memory, like etchings on glass which I could now hold in my hand, (carefully, lest it broke) ;turn to the twilight or to dawn and read, again and again. The meanings formed from the smoke of his absinthe voice with the rising smoke of the ashes of his tone and texture began to take a vise like grip around first my heart and transcended to my soul and clouded my existence. The grip tightened with every passing moment of conversation and slipped into my consciousness while silent. At first I pushed it away and fell back into the vortex. But slowly the vortex spiraled uncontrollably away and the grip held me locked in reality. The key had slipped away and I writhed in abysmal pain. I felt the poison throbbing in my temple, my veins and my heart was turning purple…and then blue. I struggled with the bonds. I lashed out. As a child I had been disturbing…I was never a silent weeper and my sobs would be heart rendering and I fought back whenever I was given instructions or boundaries. I reached out to these moments to draw strength to fight back and in turn I stabbed at the heart of my angel. I watched in mute sadistic fascination as it bled into his golden white self and two gentle tears slipped out silently from his eyes. I did nothing. I did not hold him. The grip was tightening around my heart. My heart was now fading into white. And, suddenly the vortex opened and swallowed me in, closing upon him as he stood mute, his wingspan open against the window with the drawn curtains, pale against the brilliant orange sunset.

When I returned, he was standing beside me. He had managed to stitch up his heart and offered a weak smile. I recoiled in horror. I could not accept this. The guilt came in small waves first. And then it hit in huge waves which refused to ebb and only accumulated with infinite salt deposits coating my burning heart. I rummaged for a way to compensate. “I would be good”, I said to myself like I would do as a child on failing an elder, a friend or a dying butterfly. But I could not…and one day while my angel was crouching after one after another seemingly infinitesimal stab had left him incapacitated, I looked into the mirrored lake of the magical swans and saw what I had become.

And that is the day, I decided to run away from him and never come back.

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